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ICCAC [[ page.icon ]] VAD-C ™ Certification mdi-account-plus Register mdi-login Login [[ page.icon ]] [[ ]] [[ page.icon ]] VAD-C ™ Certification
Asia Pacific

Chair: Janelle McLean

Co-Chair: 'Janet' Yu Wu



The APAC Committee's mission is to enhance collaboration and communication between the International Consortium of Circulatory Assist Clinicians (ICCAC) and Mechanical Circulatory Support (MCS) clinicians from the Asia-Pacific region. By fostering these connections, the committee aims to improve the quality of care for MCS patients through shared knowledge, practices, and innovations.

Our vision is to bridge geographical and professional divides by creating a platform for dialogue, resource sharing, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Through these efforts, the committee aspires to drive excellence in patient outcomes and professional development for MCS practitioners across the APAC region.


  • Develop and disseminate guidance, resources, and best practices tailored to the APAC context.
  • Promote interdisciplinary communication and innovation in the care of MCS patients.


  • APAC-focused clinical practice statements and guidelines, accessible through the ICCAC website.
  • Educational materials, including posters, presentations, and publications, to share findings and recommendations with ICCAC members.
  • Forums and webinars for continuous knowledge exchange among ICCAC and APAC MCS clinicians.

Membership Requirements

  • The committee will include a minimum of five current ICCAC members.
  • Industry representatives may participate as non-voting members.
  • Topic leaders or team leads cannot be industry representatives.
  • Additional members from ancillary disciplines may join the committee for specific projects requiring their expertise.
  • Attendance at a minimum of 60% of meetings (one call every other month and as required in between).
  • Active participation in at least one project annually.
  • Interested members are encouraged to submit a brief biography or curriculum vitae, along with a letter of interest to 
Committee Chairs
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