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ISHLT Scholarships

ICCAC is accepting applications for a travel scholarship to attend ISHLT 2025 in Boston, MA, USA. 

Scholarship applications accepted Jan. 1 - Jan. 31 

Winners announced mid-February  

Additional details on travel funding, to be use for travel expenses 

  • Up to $1,000 USD for Domestic travel
  • Up to $2,000 USD for International travel

Funding for travel is split into three categories:

     Awards - including Exchange Award, Mentorship Award

Exhibitor expenses - to be used to cover expenses for members exhibiting at a booth on behalf of ICCAC 

Travel Scholarships - to be used for all other travel expenses such as attendance of conference or educational development opportunity 

Must be a current member of ICCAC for at least 1 year, active in an ICCAC committee and meets one of the following criteria:

1. Presenting an accepted abstract, poster or presentation at an MCS related conference (first author or alternate if 1st is not available)

2. An active member of a committee and completed committee work in relation to an ICCAC event

3. Interested in attending a conference but unable to get financial support from your organization

If eligible based on above criteria, must submit an application and include an estimate of expenses. Covered expenses include: airfare, hotel, transportation to/from airport, mileage reimbursement (if driving)If approved, ICCAC will reimburse up to the specified dollar amount if ALL of the following requirements are met.


1. Attend the event or conference with proof of attendance (certificate, CEs, or signed travel form)

2. Attend the ICCAC associated event (if applicable)

3. Take at least one photo of yourself at the event that can be shared on social media

4. Write a brief synopsis of the experience (3-5 sentences) to be used on social media or in the next ICCAC update email

5. If there is an ICCAC table or booth at the event, join the ICCAC representatives for at least one hour to meet other ICCAC members/board

6. Submit receipts for expenses through the reimbursement form. Email for reimbursement form. 

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