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Submit an application to test by completing this form: VAD-C Application Form

  • PLEASE NOTE: If you are a first-time RETAKE TEST TAKER, your exam must be a minimum of 30 days from your last attempt AND you need to be within your 90-day candidacy window. IF YOU FALL OUT OF THIS WINDOW, please email the board directly:
  • The application form does not require a Google login

Study Document Options

Frequently Asked Questions

  • VAD-C Board FAQ
  • Qualifications to sit for the exam:
    • Currently work with VAD patients for at least one year in a center that is certified in VAD by CMS or international equivalent, -OR- an entity that supports VAD patients, such as industry partners.
    • Work in one of the following professions: RN division, APP division, MD/DO, Perfusion division, Biomedical Engineering/Equipment Management.
    • Hold a license in your field or have an equivalent educational degree.
  • ICCAC membership is not required the VAD-C test.
  • Every application is reviewed by the Exam Candidate Review Committee. Once your application is reviewed, you will receive a confirmation email regarding candidacy, or an email requesting audit information.
  • Our collaborating partner, PSI, will send an email to schedule the exam (this process may take 1-2 weeks).

Candidate Resources

Cost of exams

  • First Attempt: $375
  • Second Attempt (as a retake): $75 
  • Third Attempt (as a retake): 375
  • Fourth Attempt (as a retake): $75

Failure to report for a scheduled exam will result in forfeiture of exam fees. Please refer to candidate handbook for additional information.

Recertification Information

  • Individuals must recertify every three years
  • Cost of recertification: $250
  • Recertification Criteria:

As of December, 2024:

  • 37 States and 3 countries represent locations of VAD-C Individuals
  • 170 individuals have successfully passed the VAD-C exam

2024 VAD-C Certification Board

VAD-C Certification Board direct email


Have a question or concern? Email the VAD-C Certification Board directly: