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Best Practices Committee
Join the Best Practices Committee

Chair: Tim Robbins 

Chair-elect: Florian Muller


Check out Best Practice projects


Our mission is to serve as a framework for MCS Coordinator-driven care that is most current, evidence based, and compliant with regulatory standards. These directives represent consensus of the MCS community that are intended for multiple, diverse programs in achieving optimal patient outcomes. Our vision is to develop best practices and clinical pearls in the care of MCS patients through interdisciplinary collaboration. Our secondary mission is to serve as resource to new programs and novice MCS clinicians.


The Best Practice Committee is responsible for identifying MCS practice issues of concern or in need of guidance. The Best Practice Committee will select projects and assemble a team of interested members to work on research projects. Final results are shared with the ICCAC Board of Directors for approval and will then be shared with ICCAC membership.

Specific goals include: 

  • Continuously add valuable content/documents to website

  • Launch EMS/Field Guide App

  • Publish the project of Ventricular Assist Device Patients without Caregivers

  • Publish the project of MCS Program Staffing Structure

  • Publish the project of Frailty Exam

Join The Committee

Interested members can submit a short biography to

Best Practice Committee Membership:

  • Committee will have at least 5 active ICCAC members.
  • Industry representation may be on the committee.
  • Team/topic leaders cannot be industry member
  • Ancillary ICCAC members may be on committee for projects requiring that discipline’s input.
  • Recruitment achieved through the MCS Collaboration board, newsletter article, word of mouth via colleagues and communication from Board of Directors/Officers.

Committee Membership Requirements:

  • Attendance on (1) call per month
  • Expected 75% attendance
  • Chair/Chair-elect will monitor attendance
  • Participation in at least (1) project per year

Member documents

Committee Chairs
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If you have any questions, please contact