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ICCAC [[ page.icon ]] VAD-C ™ Certification mdi-account-plus Register mdi-login Login [[ page.icon ]] [[ ]] [[ page.icon ]] VAD-C ™ Certification
Communications Committee
Join the Communications Committee

Please login to submit a Social Media Request.

Chairs: Jennifer Hajj and Samantha Edwards



Our mission is to provide a secure, up-to-date website for all ICCAC-related events and communications allowing our members one place to gather and share information. To educate and support each other and assist in all efforts toward device clinical research and development.  The Communication Committee also provides a venue for ICCAC members needing assistance with their membership benefits/information. Work toward retention and enhancement of experience for MCS clinicians participating in ICCAC. 

2024 Goals
  • Minimally retain 500 members
  • Target 600 members
  • Maintain ICCAC Website
  • Increase awareness of ICCAC and the new ongoing projects through social media and other platforms.
  • Maintain an interactive blog on the website –  “Pulseless News”
  • Email and Texting service to improve communication with members
  • Increase International members 
  • Increase MDT members 
  • Create a VAD  Financial committee 
  • Auto-renewal for 2024 memberships.
  • Set up an online apparel Store 
  • Join in on any of the postings on the ICCAC calendar, containing events, webinars, committee meetings, and more.


Committee Chairs
[[ ]] mdi-email

If you have any questions, please contact