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ICCAC [[ page.icon ]] VAD-C ™ Certification mdi-account-plus Register mdi-login Login [[ page.icon ]] [[ ]] [[ page.icon ]] VAD-C ™ Certification
Program Planning Committee
Join the Program Planning Committee

Chairs: Andy Woods & Bridget Hilker



The Program Planning Committee provides up-to-date educational meetings based on current clinical management and future technology for mechanical circulatory support patients and networking opportunities on a global level for active ICCAC members.

2024 Goals
  • Increase impact/substance of the VAD Clinician of the Year Award
  • Involve more members in annual meeting topics and discussions
  • Have 5 successful meetings in conjunction with ISHLT, ASAIO, UCARS, EUMS, ISMCS
  • Networking event attached to our annual board meeting 
  • Expand membership internationally 

Upcoming Events

ICCAC Professional Development Series 

ICCAC Board Meeting, San Diego

February 2024

UCARS, Salt Lake City

February 2024

ISHLT, Prague 

Breakfast with ICCAC Wednesday 10th April @ 7am

April 2024

ASAIO, Baltimore

May 2024

EUMS, Hannover

September 2024

ISMCS, Japan

November 2024

More details to follow, we hope to see you at one of our events 

Committee Chairs
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If you have any questions, please contact