Webinar Committee
Co-Chairs: Chrystine Black and Andy Woods
Contact: webinars@vadcoordinator.org
Continuing education is instrumental for maintaining competency and proficiency in the dynamic field of mechanical circulatory assistance and, having a place where we can learn and share our experiences across different regions enables us all to develop. We strive to offer online educational webinar sessions on topics relevant to circulatory assist clinicians on a monthly basis. We aim to provide these webinars on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
To help ensure we are providing content that our members want it is important that we hear from you. If you have a topics you would like covering, any innovations at your institute that you want to share with our members, or any case studies that you want to share please reach out to the webinars committee
- Continue to offer a wide variety of monthly topics relevant to all members
- Expand the delivery of webinars to cater for all members across each region with varying times for delivery of the webinars
- Offer the opportunity to those who's first language is not English the opportunity to present in the native language
- Provide 3-4 APAC webinars, all of which would be available for all members
Committee Chairs
If you have any questions, please contact webinars@vadcoordinator.org.