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ICCAC [[ page.icon ]] VAD-C ™ Certification mdi-account-plus Register mdi-login Login [[ page.icon ]] [[ ]] [[ page.icon ]] VAD-C ™ Certification
Research Committee
Join the Research Committee

Chair: Sarah E Schroeder

Co-Chair: Sylvie Baudart


2022 Research Overview


The International Consortium of Circulatory Assist Clinicians (ICCAC) has developed a research grant opportunity to support clinical research in the field of mechanical circulatory support (MCS).


The vision for the Research Committee is to provide avenues to increase amount of Nursing and Allied Health VAD Clinician Research, through grant assistance, and educational opportunities. We want to foster all of this regardless of what your expertise in research is!

2024 ICCAC 
Grant Opportunities: 

We will have opportunities for you to review Webinars on the following topics in the near future so watch for the links:

1. How to take your research "IDEA" and bring it to a research protocol (coming June 13th via WEBINAR)

2. How to develop a protocol 

3. How to fill out your research grant application and get it submitted ON TIME (Before July 31, 2024)

In order to SUBMIT your Research Proposal for consideration, please submit the following to (in order to stay blinded)

1. Please send your proposal by using THIS form: 2024 Proposal Form

2. Please send the CV (or resume) of the primary investigator

3. Please send a supportive letter from your medical or surgical director from your current VAD program

We will use THIS criteria for the blinded grading of the research proposal: 2024 Reviewer Score Card Form

DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS? Reach out to the Research Committee @

Presentation/Publication Grant Awards (To Be Determined)


Grant Awards for 2023:

Sarah Schroeder: 

Laura Coyle: 

Travel Awards for 2023:

Committee Chairs
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If you have any questions, please contact